The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) has an online QSL Card generator for the Coronation. The Link is here: . The only problem is the IOTA registration number - it is for the Island of Great Britain only. For example the Outer Hebridies are EU-010 - so they are excluded as is Jersey (EU-013) etc. We recommend one edit the IOTA reference or just delete it altogether.
- Details
Category: Civil Defence
Hits: 20109

[2023-09-14] While Yellowknife remains under an Evacuation Alert and a number of communities in the South Slave are just starting to be "repatriated", the Society is returning its website back to normal operations. Local amateur radio operators no longer are requested to maintain a radio watch on the VE8YK and VE8RAE repeater network. Many thanks to those who maintained HF contact with the south during the Evacuation Order. The Society will be re-examining its emergency planning along with that of the the GNWT's NWT Emergency Plan and the City of Yellowknife Emergency Plan. Comments may be email to the Society via the reflector -
Some links for up-to-date information are provided:
- Details
Category: Training
Hits: 1141
For immediate release:
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada, is pleased to present two upcoming “Beyond CanWarn” Weather Spotter Workshops for Amateurs and non-Amateurs. In addition, a special Q&A Live Event will also be held to close off this year’s training session. Please visit the CanWarn webpage to register now:
Weather Spotter Workshops: May 18 and June 14