Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (VE8YK)

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA


In progress...some ideas sketched out...

Parameters to report

  • Snow depth (now and historical)
  • temperature in snow (to what depth?)
  • Status of trails (groomed or not; open or not)
  • air temperature
  • Cloud
  • Current precipitation
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Moonrise and moon set
  • date and time - GPS based (needed for coordination)
  • windspeed and direction (now)
  • pressure (now and trend)
  • visibility
  • humidity
  • windchill (function of windspeed and temperature - i.e. calculated)
  • dewpoint
  • air quality health index
  • uv factor


  • wind speed and direction
  • uv
  • air temp
  • snow temp
  • precipitation
  • camera
  • humidity
  • precipitation
  • visibility - scintillation?


  • Remote station
    • Pi Zero - CPU, processor of telemetry etc.
    • transmitter/receiver system
    • power system
    • sensors
  • Mother station
    • Raspberry Pi
    • transmitter/receiver system to remote station(s)
    • transmitter/receiver to digipeater (or it might be the digipeater)
      • If it is the digipeater some form of automated system to format and put online telemetry

Software Programming

  • likely in Python (open source) - programming expected to be a major part of this project

Resilience to Weather

  • weather proofing will be an issue as the system is expected to function in cold and dark conditions...power management...durability


  • once first phase and prototype remote station and mother station set up, can set up additional remote stations at other checkpoints (about 4 more)
  • some degree of coordination between the stations and mother station required - GPS timing?


  • a major objective is to do this cheaper than the existing weather station VE8SKI set up by VE8WD (this is a project improving on his prototype design)
  • a major goal would be to do this in a more cost-effective manner