Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (VE8YK)

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA


The Society meets weekly at the Red Apple on 50th Avenue (Franklin).  The Society also has an Annual General Meeting annually and files a Notice of Directors and Financial Statements annually with the Registrar of Societies, Department of Justice, Government of the Northwest Territories. 

To be a full member, one must be a licensed amateur radio operator in accordance with Canadian laws.  It is possible for others to be associate members (for instance students and significant others (XYLs), but associate members cannot vote.  Bodies corporate may become members too. 

Membership dues are the primary form of revenue generated for use by the Society.  This revenue is used to subsidize projects for the Society, run the Basic Qualification Course, pay for maintenance of three operational repeaters (two in Yellowknife and one in Rae) and pay for equipment obtained by the Society such as repeaters, digital communication devices and the like.  Generally Society members maintain our own equipment as there is a repository of technical knowledge in the membership.  That said, components still cost money.  Some members pay for their own equipment.  Each project provides an excellent opportunity for members to apply their skills and to learn more about radios, computers and more.