Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA



This page is devoted to not-for-profit tools that can be used by any not-for-profit (or anyone else).  It is a listing of tools that are in the public domain and freely available.

Accounting Software

  • GNUCASH - This is an open source small business financial accounting software.  I has double entry accounting amongst other features.

Office Software

  • LIBREOFFICE - This is an open source office suite of programs including a word processor, spreadsheet program, a slide presentation program and a database program.
  • SCRIBUS - This is a full featured desktop publishing program.  
  • LATEX - This is a high quality typesetting program specifically designed for technical and scientific documentation.  It is not a word processor.

Amateur Radio

Operating Systems (especially for older computers)

The amateur radio service has a tradition of recycling old equipment for its purposes including ex-military equipment, obsolete computers and old electronics and other things that can be re-used.  The tradition is in part due to economy but it also facilitates resourcefulness, inventiveness and adaptation.  This ties into an underlying philosophy of the Society - that we are the masters of technology and that technology serves us - we do not serve technology.  Think of what that last statement means...