Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society (VE8YK)

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, CANADA


This web page is aimed at providing some information about the wildfire situation in the Northwest Territories etc. for 2024.  

Northwest Territories

YARS Repeater Frequencies.

The Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society runs two VHF 2 m repeaters in the Northwest Territories: 

  • VE8YK/R (146.940 MHz with -600 kHz offset with a 100 Hz sub-audible tone) based in Yellowknife (IRLP was verified as functional as of 2023-08-02 by VE8IR and M0XWS and VE8RT); and
  • VE8RAE/R (145.150 MHz with -600 kHz offset) based in Behchokǫ̀ (formerly Rae).

There is also a Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society test repeater in operation on the 70 cm band:

  • VE8YK/R-2 (440.000 MHz with +5 MHz offset) based in Yellowknife.

YARS Simplex Frequency

The Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society also has traditionally used a simplex frequency to fall back on should any repeaters fail - 146.520 MHz .

Members of the Yellowknife Amateur Radio Society and all amateur radio operators in the area are asked to monitor the VE8YK and VE8RAE repeaters when they can for emergency traffic that needs to be relayed. 

Other Amateur Repeaters in Yellowknife


National HF Emergency Communications Frequencies for the Amateur Radio Service

  Single Sideband CW Digital
Band Frequency Tactical Frequency Tactical Frequency Tactical
80 m 3.675 MHz LSB Alfa 3.535 MHz Golf 3.596 MHz Mike
40 m 7.135 MHz LSB Bravo 7.035 MHz Hotel 7.096 MHz November
20 m 14.135 MHz USB Charlie 14.035 MHz India 14.096 MHz Oscar
17 m 18.135 MHz USB Delta 18.075 MHz Juliet 18.096 MHz Papa
15 m 21.235 MHz USB Echo 21.035 MHz Kilo 21.096 MHz Quebec
10 m 28.235 MHz USB Foxtrot 28.035 MHz Lima 28.096 MHz Romeo 

For more information see: